a facelift

You might (or might not) have noticed that laurenchism.com got a little facelift! It's been many months in the making and my goal was to finish in 2015 and phew! I made it, just in time.

For those of you interested, I worked with Kelly Christine Studio on the design and used Squarespace. I don't do well designing for myself and when I saw Kelly's work, I knew she would be a safe bet, because her website and work are really beautiful and minimal. She set up everything and I only had to worry about the content, which is a huge undertaking on its own.  Squarespace is supposed to be so user-friendly, so I am sure setting it up yourself is a great option if you have the time. I didn't want to spend my days fiddling non-stop (and I would have never stopped!) so it was a good investment for me with the rest of my workload.

 Click through and check it out! Happy Friday!

Posted on December 11, 2015 and filed under Business.